Hi. Do you want to join Novum? Then you have to ask some specific questions for me, and our class leaders to discuss you joining us in the most objective and best way as possible.
Character Name :
Class :
Race :
Level : 70
Professions :
Real Name :
Age :
Location :
Do you have Ventrilo ? :
and a microphone ? :
Link to Armory Profile REQUIRED:
E-mail address :
Our raiding times are primary 18.00 -2400 (CET), we we go 4-5 tmes aweek raiding. Will you be able too fulfill these times?
Tell me about your situation RL. We wanna know who we are talking too.
List all previous raid experience, and what role you usually like too play, and what role you think you should play! How can you contribute to our guild?
How did you hear about us and why would you like too join? Any members you like specially, then why?
6.Anything else you would like too add?
Cheers Jossa.