Character Name : Achlu
Class : Warlock
Race : Undead
Level : 70
Professions : Enchanting (366)/Tailoring (375)
Real Name : Dan
Age : 19
Location : North-east England.
Do you have Ventrilo ? : No, but am happy to get it once I find out how lol.
and a microphone ? : No, but again I'm happy to get one.
Link to Armory Profile REQUIRED: (I've noticed their seems to be some trouble with Armoury links, so if my link hasn't worked I apologise)
E-mail address : I have MSN Messenger, but only ever use it to mail things between my computers lol.
Our raiding times are primary 18.00 -2400 (CET), we we go 4-5 tmes aweek raiding. Will you be able too fulfill these times?
I can Raid almost anytime. I have no time-table to work from in real-life so I'm online very often. Some weekends though I'm at my dads cottage so won't be able to then (Unless I can convince my dad to get a decent computer, not hopeful I'm afriad). Other than that I'm free to Raid whenever.
Tell me about your situation RL. We wanna know who we are talking too.
I'm from the 'sunny' south of England, but moved up north to Newcastle when I was young and have been stranded here ever since . I live (Part-time) with my partner, who also has a character on our Server (Level 70 Mage), and we spend a very large chunk of our lives on Warcraft lol. We're pretty new to it as players go, joined at around Christmas if I remember correctly, but both have the desire to seriously improve on our game-play and gear. Other than that my life mainly consists of Warcraft though to be honest. I don't do much 'average' teenager stuff, I don't go out to pubs or clubs, I much prefer to stay in with a film, my girlfriend and a take-away.
List all previous raid experience, and what role you usually like too play, and what role you think you should play! How can you contribute to our guild?
Blackwing Lair
Heroic Keys,
Auchenai Key (Auchindoun)
Flamewrought Key (Hellfire Citadel)
Key of Time (Caverns of Time)
Reservoir Key (Coilfang Reservoir)
Warpforged Key (Tempest Keep)
I have experience upto (And attempting) The Curator in Karazhan, haven't yet had a chance with Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair etc, but hopefuly that will change soon . I've also been in a Raid group to Blackwing Lair, with a mix of Blood Wolves and Ez members, though we didn't drop the first Boss. I know tactics and a good idea of Class Set-up in Karazhan to the Curator, but also have a guide printed (Of all Karazhan Bosses and Tactics) out in-case we need quick consultations without time to check the Internet. During Karazhan, I've played a crucial part in Damage Per Second, and of course supplying Healthstones and Soulstones. However I'm confident in Crowd Control and have a good grasp of my current Threat (I use KTM), also, I'm an Affliction Warlock so can maintain my own Health and Mana as long as things don't get out of hand in a fight.
How did you hear about us and why would you like too join? Any members you like specially, then why?
Well I've noticed a lot of Novum members about, though don't think I actually know any. I decided to apply though, after recomendations from a good friend (Shaquila), because she commented on your friendly approach and progress. I'd like to advance in Warcraft, but have only found a future in one Guild (Which ironically dis-banded).
6.Anything else you would like too add?
My Armoury Link may be out of date (I'm currently un-Guilded). And I've got 2 upgrades on my gear in line (One within the next couple of days, and the other straight after Server Restart), Waist Armour, and Wand. I think that's about it, thank you taking the time to read this